Toronto Yard and Garden
Snow Removal and Deicing Costs
Breakdown of costs and service times for a typical seasonal contract:
I make visits as needed throughout the year. I have full discretion as to when I make visits
If you don't want me to make a visit (to save money) during light snow falls, then I should not work for you. I need to be out working every snowfall to keep the property clear of snow and ice. This makes my work easier (so I don't have to break up ice or packed snow) and makes the property safer (so ice doesn't form).
I charge a base rate of $17/hr for my time - commuting back and forth between properties and my home and working at your home. I add a $17 charge per visit to cover other miscellaneous expenses (time spent advertising, costs of advertising, time spent doing accounting, time spent communicating clients, etc). I also charge for the application of different deicers (whatever we agree on for your property). Labour per visit is a 1 hr minimum.
for example, if you are a 30 min commute for me, a single visit for a light snow fall at a small 2-car driveway might be billed as 1 hr labour ($17) + 1 hr commuting ($17) + $17 (misc costs) + cost of deicer (for example rock salt $6) and would come to a total of $57
You pay as you go, so after every 2 weeks of service, I produce a bill to be paid asap (ideally same day to ensure uninterrupted service flow).
If you'd like a quote for snow removal services, contact me by phone or email at
416 455 0575
David Brodsky